Amboseli National Park
(This week is a guest post from my friend Ratia, who brings us a little something from Amboseli). Amboseli National Park is situated in Loitoktok District, approximately 240 Km from …

Petrified Forest in Sibiloi National Park
I’m still trying to gather credible information about some of the people (specifically the Gabbra, Dassanach,Turkana and Watta) of Northern Kenya

Hybrid Solar Eclipse; Views from Sibiloi
Hey guys! This is hopefully going to be a quick post. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures I took of the solar eclipse on the 3rd of …

Koobi Fora – Base Camp & Sunset Hues
The next part of the journey was the drive from North Horr to Sibiloi National Park. Our first and only stop in Chalbi Desert was at a place called Matiti …

North Horr – Desert Oasis
In my last post I was in Chalbi Desert on my way to North Horr. We got to North Horr at around 7 pm. I was beat. The first thing …

Marsabit Nat. Park – Frontier Oasis
This is my second post in my Marsabit County series, the previous post was about my trip to Marsabit town and a bit about the town. Marsabit National Park is a …

Marsabit Town – Desert Outpost
I recently got the opportunity to travel to Marsabit County (a region in northern Kenya). It’s a bit of a long story but I promise I will explain everything in …